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Ethan Winters

A member registered Sep 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The game is now free forever so there is no need to claim the game. I think it is not even possible when the game is not on sale.

yes you can claim it now

Thank you for playing!

this game is not on steam and is for free here.

Hello this game was actually planned to be on steam but it costs money to sell games there and we dont have much money for that maybe in the future if this game gets more popular

you cant, this game is only downloadable

Oh ok i am really sorry but i dont think the game can connect to your account the game it self does not have any login. I am sorry if i misunderstood what you said if so please send me another message.

Hello i'm sorry i dont know what you mean could you please give me more information about the problem with the game?