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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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how you did it?

insecure connection a frame was blocked due to request over http. it is not playable any more! :(

The trick is to not increase the rope length until you buy all useful bonus, so you will be least in danger.

Nice idea but : as not native english speaker, i couldnt understand bonus cards. These appeared even worst by "+1". I think bonus cards and "multiplications bonus" must be redesigned.

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i reached (new score) 6035917 -cumulated: 7767054. in 1 turn, 1121780

i liked the game much! very nice idea! I would like to see more levels from this game!

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I succeeded the wall to be about 130m far away

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933m! I succeeded the wall to be about 130m far away. A linux desktop version please!

Very cool gameplay and art! You can extend it eg. pause /forward / backward for specific enemies/events. Another idea is another gameplay. a screen with each character its buttons that you must define if goes fast forward or paused or backward. And then you hit play button.... 

No linux version? :( dont run on wine

I find it very easy and boring. You may tweak it to add more challenges.

funny, challenging, interesting, and simple! 

please explain what i must do in the first screen. I cant understand. I press tab, or try to write words to different tiles but nothing happens. I cant understand what i must do in  the first screen. 

i saved 5!

until 10th day, after that game was extremely extremely slow like 1fps/sec in a very high-speed computer.

nice idea, nice voices, but gameplay is not very good.

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super fun, very nice graphics, very smooth gameplay. congrats! you may add many other toy stories! A linux version please too! support open source software!

please, make linux versions too. amd radeon drivers are buggy in wine!

BUG AT LEVEL 8 On web. even rotating, the ray is like transparent, no interaction with anything in environment

I lol with autopilot. I would like to see "more "funny" upgrades, that either are useless, or make funny generally

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dont run on wine.

windows version has bugs with wine, please make a linux version too.

very good idea! you can develop it further!  please provide also downloable versions for linux. I believe that open source is the future.

i liked it very much. 10-12 levels were tough but good!

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enemies can appear where the spaceship exists. I think this is a bug. I reached 6200 score. very good game. maybe after killing some enemies, some advancement to appear? 2nd rockets?  shields maybe?

you make great games! this game has huge potentials! you may opensource for anyone to construct more levels! many retro games users could design levels to develop the game quicker

please upload a linux version too cause in wine cannot run it at the moment. It is hard to make a linux version with the compiler? 

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interesting game. it forces you to think before act after some level. I didnt like dice enemies but i think this is the boss? i didnt beat it either. 

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when you have high speed, i find it hard to stay on the route.

I liked Dye Hard and Far Sea Invaders. However i put stages as levels that starting again from start for Dye Hard. The disadvantage all of these "retro mame games" was that many of them had no levels but you started all over from the start even after 50 levels. You may have both options maybe?

very addictive! please make it! thanks!

linux version? Also i didnt understand how i can a turn on my self. I cant turn in any direction. Only to move left, right, back, forth. Is it any other control? also "e" interaction dont work to me (through wine).

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adorable and cute! very much liked it! handdrawn intro was a plus point! You must develop it further!!! I will change its title to "Love Path" or "path love" or "corner love" or Crush love or..... whatever except toast love!

To understand how to move successfully, it needs some time! so be dont afraid to die many times with 0 score! I reached 54 point! nice game for those that are not very easily "taken back"! hahahaha!

Great funny addictive action game! I liked that an animal was saved at the end, cause i am vegan many years now!

A wonderful fun card game! I enjoyed it!

This can be a mini game in an adventure game!

Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it!