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A member registered Jan 30, 2021

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sounds good. thanks for the prompt reply!

(2 edits)

got to the dam. the narrative text says it’s broadcasting an estimate when it’ll next be closed, but there is no event timer showing when it will be passable, and i don’t have any other pertinent-seeming actions.

edit: okay, the dam timer shows up in the NEXT run. i think it should be displayed as soon as you get there, as then i’d’ve known to just hit ‘loop now’

  • Bug: Upgrade - keep money after earthquake does not work;

  • Bug: sometimes game suddenly spawns tons of garbage at the middle of map.

as far as i can tell, the latter is actually the implementation of the former; you “keep money” by getting a bunch of low value garbage that adds up to the kept percentage.

imo these need to be higher density; low tier 1 point garbage just ends up flooding the map and there’s nothing you can do about it, and you can’t remove upgrades

honestly the biggest thing missing for me is more info. when i look at a building, i want to be able to know more about its current state

how much does it hold? how much CAN it hold? how fast is it doing stuff? what were the upgrades i bought earlier that i can’t remember? what exactly does it mean when it says it multiplies by peons?

i’ll think on the power thing more tho

(6 edits)

i’m an absolute sucker for incrementals that have kinematic components. this is adorable, wishlisted on steam, guaranteed day 1 buy if you successfully release something.

i did however run into everything myocytebd mentioned below, and additionally:

‘power compress’ doesn’t have any visible effect. it doesn’t help that you can’t see how much is inside the compressor through any means i could determine.

‘throw all’ is very underwhelming, and doesn’t really seem to accomplish much. just a few objects from storage get tossed, not apparently helpful. (and again, i have no idea how much is in storage).

‘all happy’ is impossible to tell if it’s working, because peon happiness doesn’t seem to be visible.

‘clones’ is pretty neat, but unreliable; sometimes it gives a lot fewer bonus peons than i expect.

‘compress all’ is very misnamed. it doesn’t actually seem to remove any garbage from the map, just generate new garbage on top, and it doesn’t even seem to be proportional to what’s currently on the plateau.

‘bulldozer’ is the only one of the powers that actually seems to mostly work as intended, although when you need it most (you have a big hill, esp after an earthquake) is the time it is least effective, due to the way garbage just flows over and behind it.

additional weirdnesses: after a while my peons started only carrying 1 or 2 garbage despite being trained up to 7. they’re also very prone to diving in the pit despite trying to use ‘all happy’ (making me suspect it doesn’t work right either). restart appears fix it, at least

~~navigating the upgrade screen is very difficult. wasd/arrows don’t seem to work, left click to drag doesn’t work, right-click to drag SORTA works, but it creates a new tab in my browser first (???) so i have to close that, then the drag state is locked until i right click to release it. (browser is vivaldi on linux, in case that matters)~~ (bah, strikethru not supported here)

it turns out i had some weird gesture feature turned on that interfered with right-click drag. fixed now. blah. (i would still like to be able to use the keyboard to navigate the upgrades screen)

settings don’t appear to be remembered across restarts.

hardness appears to result in buildings going NEGATIVE on stability after earthquakes, which as myocytebd notes means no more yellow shards. so i’ll probably have to start a new run to keep messing with this, and NOT pick up that upgrade.

the dev also posted here 12 days ago.

… also it’s a month old game, some people have no patience.

understandable with the time constraints.

i really like the design here, and something more fleshed out could be great.

best of luck finding time for hobbies.

okay, having played through, some feedback: the tiny box bounding the game is the strangest thing, and the fullscreen button isn’t a practical solution, especially since a lot of things take a fair bit of time and someone might want to switch over to, say, discord. or at least keep it visible.

‘provides’ to me implies something is being gained, but in a large number of recipes you are trading a capability for itself, to no net benefit, or actually losing capabilities in net. more than once i accidentally lost my only source of a capability because i overlooked that it was attached to something strange (disconnect and welding are both weirdly arranged for sources). a clearer indication of losses would be nicer.

i kept expecting to get something to help with tiny and large, since they’re so slow, so i was surprised nothing turned up by the end.

criticisms aside: i love the shape of this, and it’s clear even partway through what the final payoff will be, and although getting a whole chain of “auto-search” providers is a slight letdown as you’re narrowing in on the goal, there is a tangible sense of “yeah i’m gonna fly”.

in a hypothetical larger game, an unfolding mechanic that uses this to get to ever increasingly higher tier sources of salvage would be neat, maybe work your way from a tony-stark-in-a-cave suit to something a bit more refined.

fullscreen doesn’t play nice with any kind of multitasking. the ability to actually resize the game would be nice.

(2 edits)

the color scheme is really unpleasant to look at.. the combination of low contrast and comparatively bright background is actually painful for me (combination photosensitivity and poor visual acuity).

so unfortunately, i can’t actually try the gameplay.

edit: to my shock, it actually responds to dark reader, unlike literally every other game i’ve clicked “run game” on okay, giving this a whirl.

okay, this is cute and well done. you made a lot of choices that, in a longer game, would wear out their welcome but in something this brief instead add to the charm. excellent work.

that is 100% fair, of course you have to manage your time and energy. burnt out game devs are sad news, and i don’t want that. :) just knowing you intend to eventually do more here is all i was hoping for with my question.

i understand why you focused on steam for the new demo instead of also putting it on, but is there any chance of releasing the full game on or gog once you’re ready to do a full release?