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A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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use wine

use wine

its not a fucking virus

then its not a virus

stfu before i Task Manager u

W I N D O W S.

use wine
and no its a whole C# WinForms app a tutorial will be hard


There's a Notes app in Windows 10, and there are Sticky Note apps in Windows 7


Not every single program in the world is supposed to help you do something. Some programs are just to make you laugh or annoy you

I've never made a mod before, but I could try that out. I've made a chatbot and I could use some of it's features

There is a mod called "ToysMod v1.1" that adds a bed, laser pointer, a ball, and a stick. Can be found at

Search for ".NET Framework  4.0 Download"

After you download and install that, the Goose should open

Edit the config file-

GooseDefaultWhite=#f5f5f5 (find your own)
GooseDefaultOrange=#ffa500 (find your own)
GooseDefaultOutline=#2B2D2F (find your own)

The more you spam, the more he won't update. Theres already a mod for making the goose click called "Clicker"

The more you spam, the more he won't update. Theres already a mod for making the goose click called "Clicker"


Hold the ESC button on your keyboard

You can't

The more you spam, the more he won't update. Theres already a mod for making the goose click called "Clicker"

What if your computer failed to run the goose? Are you a idiot now?

There are mods at

Are you on Mac?
If ur on mac, open the terminal and type

Killall "Desktop Goose"

If ur on windows then type

taskkill /f /im goosedesktop.exe /t

Hold ESC

Just hold ESC


You downloaded the extractor, now extract the goose's files by left clicking the extract button and you will see a folder for the goose. Inside that folder, there will be goosedesktop.exe

Did you run the goosedesktop.exe?

Ah yes roasted

Stfu loooooser xd

He wants us to tell him in Chinese because he doesn't know english

Killall "Desktop Goose"


Killall goosedesktop

I can't say "v p n" without spaces for some reason it asks me for captcha

Bad internet

Use a   V P N

That's why you don't have the same download button for the windows and Mac  version

(1 edit)

That's a windows command


Killall "Desktop Goose"

I was talking about how Android manages RAM due to java

Made a few apps with Android studio already

(1 edit)

Yees I know

I know c++ c# and python and I'm currently learning Kotlin for Android development