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A member registered Dec 05, 2022

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Dear Caribdis,

I just made an account to leave a comment because I felt like I needed to praise you on both this and OIALT. Both of them are simply great VNs and I can't wait for 0.5 to get released. I am not expecting you to do this, since I am not even really supporting you financially (I would if I could), but I would love if you could somehow implement some more romance. The way you approached most sex interactions thus far feels kind of forced. One example for a future scene I would like to be in the game is one with Penelope. If you remember, after drinking the potion of truth at the potion tower she mentioned that she wanted someone to cuddle with at night. Also, I think she is the only character that hasn't really done anything with the protagonist, but clearly has feelings for him (Literally visible in like 5 different scenes). So, in my humble opinion, this is the way you should approach something with her. I acknowledge that 0.5 will probably be mainly based around Luna and the release date is pretty soon, so even if you decide to implement something like that, I don't really expect it to come with 0.5. I would really appreciate if you could reply with your opinion on all of this (holy shit that's a long comment).

Keep up the good work,

A fan