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A member registered Jul 24, 2020

Recent community posts

To buy potions do I have to advance with Sasha's story or end it? because when I go to see Clara and I want to buy potions from her I get the error image :(

I have a problem with version 0.15.0, the game just closes and I have already downloaded JoinPlay from Google Play and from its patreon, I don't know what to do and I really want to play this beautiful game

Happy birthday 馃コ馃巶 :)

Will the full Spanish language appear in this version?

Will the Spanish language be complete in the next version?

and for android bro

Thank you I will be waiting for that update with desire and the best thanks for adding the Spanish Castilian language thanks and take care <3

So are you going to continue with the story only in another future update?

Gracias por este gran juego lo siento mucho que usted no contin煤a con la historia, pero no puedo forzar a usted  gracias por esta gran historia y muchas gracias por hacerlo con el castellano espa帽ol gracias 

gracias por el juego:" (

Hello, how are you, I could make a suggestion if it is possible that they add the Spanish language that when I played it I was missing several scores and I could not repeat them, please, it would be a great help if they added the Spanish language Thank you for your attention 

(ps: it's a great game, one of the best I've played)