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A member registered Aug 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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There is another one, When you go the blond one at night, The visual time will be day, but the game will still think you are at night, like you can't go to work and nami still sleeping.

but why tho it’s hard to follow the story line -or is the goal to make us work our brains if its the later i only have 3 functuning brain cells

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-Can you add a mode the game menu like (gided mode) or something to help you progress in the story without missing anything of the events and wasting time doing some thing at days you are suposed to do something else -or add a phone that you can use it to browes for avaliable events -if you read this comment than please leave a reply for me to know that you read it or i’m going to just keep reposting it from time to time thank you

where did you hear about that?

(1 edit)

altho i’m not into Gay stuf it has a good story and consept continiue the good work,
i would have donated if i was not living in a fucking shitload of a contry