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A member registered Mar 04, 2022

Recent community posts

Very cool concept, a little too slow for my taste though, didn't even get to 98%.

Cute silly concept. A lot fun!

Loved this demo!!! I'm so excited to see what this'll become. I loved the skill tree and the crafting system was a really cool addition.

Amazing concept, this game made me a fan of LIDAR horror games. Would love to see this evolve into a bigger project

This was amazing! I had soo much fun playing this

This is so cool! The mop and bucket mechanics aren't just hilarious but also really interesting

The game looks really pretty and the story sounds very cute. Sadly I couldn't unlock the second door because I don't know how to unlock the door, so I couldn't continue playing after that point. I tried pressing J and pretty much every other key so im not sure if im missing something or its just a bug but yeah.