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Erick Reinhardt

A member registered Dec 23, 2021

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About two days ago I went back to this (amazing) game and imagine how surprised I was that it had new updates!

Some really spicy, good updates I might add.

In any case, that meant I had to go through all the game once more just for fun. By doing that I stumbled on some bugs that I wanted to report back so you can check them out:

- For the professor: The 'disobey buttplug' option is bugged. Instead, when you fail to do obey that order, the option that gets unlocked is the showering one.

- For the dad/step-dad: If the brother/step-brother caughts you having sex with the dad in order to get the "caught" ending, the story follows that your DAD caught you having sex with your brother instead of the other way around (so you unlock the "caught ending" of your fathers, when you should've unlocked the brother's "caught ending").

- For the brother: the "caught ending" is bugged. No matter how many times your dad caughts you having sex or not, a normal bad ending is unlocked.

Other than that, everything is just as amazing as it always has been. The professor's storyline is well-thought (and quite hot. Especially when you consider when you mostly have sex with him in his office, and yet no one ever caught them), and the mechanics to get different reactions from the professor was also hot. Do you plan to add a gift to the professor the same way you did for the other three guys?

Good Lord this game is AMAZING.
Like FUCK ,so good! I appreciate the gallery/memories list because it helps check out which scenes I haven't registered and that tickles my completionist  brain.

So far I only miss the No Sex Ending (Bad endings) for both (I tried just sleeping until their suspicion went to 100% but that didn't unlock it), and the Low Acceptance again for both (tried throuple acceptance at 0 for each  and then at max but it didn't unlock it). Any hints/tips to unlock those scenes? 

Oh and just wanted to say that I hope you plan to add some more scenes for the Dad, since I noticed the brother has a lot of them. Perhaps some scenes involving his office? Maybe cockwarming/blowjob under the desk and/or office sex? It could even work similarly to the Fast Food fucks from the brother but now for the Dad and at his workplace -wink wink-

In any case, GREAT job! I especially love how you incorporated gifs to the descriptions and how the lust/affection level impacts the scenes, not to mention that they are completely independent from one another. Thank you for creating this!