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A member registered Aug 18, 2021

Recent community posts

Would love to know more about the difference between a Gryffindor Primary with a Slytherin Secondary compared to a Slytherin Primary with a Gryffindor Secondary. I feel like I really could go either way. 

Would love to know what modeling Gryffindor in your primary would look like. Otherwise, my results are the same. Gryffindor primary, Slytherin secondary with Gryffindor secondary model.  It suggested a Slytherin model for my primary, but I just couldn't tell if it made sense for me or not. 

Also curious as to what house you identify with if you chose your 'main' house.

(1 edit)

Just got the same results. Gryffindor Primary, Slytherin Secondary with Gryffindor Secondary model. I was also surprised there was no Hufflepuff in there for me either as I am very people orientated and the unfairness/injustice of people and animals really gets me going and I always stand up for the small guy. But it does make a bit more sense now when the description of the community as a whole is deeply rooted in Hufflepuff as I am so much more of a small group people kind of person. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean I just outright trust them from the start. 

Curious as to what your enneagram number is or your Meyers Briggs if you're willing to share? I know it doesn't necessarily mean anything in comparison to this test, but I'm always curious about that. 

I'm a 9w8 self-preservation/one on one enneagram type and go back and forth between INFJ and ISFJ for Meyers Briggs.

Also curious as to what house you identify with if you chose your 'main' house.