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A member registered Apr 30, 2021

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When playing through, there were aspects about the game I really enjoyed, and some fell short but just overall before the review starts, I think that the game was fun and charming. Some of the things that really made my play through experience was the music which changed based on area you where in. Another key part that made the game better was the fun dialog and responses that you could say, gave me a laugh. The quests also were key in the enjoyment of the game which were fun and different. I enjoyed watching the introduction video at the beginning of the game which set the mood. I liked all the differences between each character’s feel and look made the game fresh when playing. The diversity through characters and map made the world feel real and pushed me to explore every inch. Combat was simple but easy to pick up and was fun. The customization of weapons and different pieces of clothing allows the player to chose how they attack and look, creating uniqueness between players. One area I think could improve is the beginning. When I first started the game, I noticed the tutorial bar option on the side when loading up. I skipped this at first and faced some difficulties playing on Knight level difficulty. Once I went through the beginning main part, I was confused because I didn’t know all the controls and key parts that are vital to understand. Once I left the game and tried out/watched the tutorial, I learned about all the challenges that I faced early and made the game feel more comprehensive about what I could do. I wish there was something at the beginning that suggested if starting, tryout the tutorial to understand all the controls and different aspects of the game. Another thing that was a downfall is the game is quite simply and not very advanced. This could be great for beginner gamers of all ages that enjoy story games. But when given to more advanced gamers who play AAA titles, they might expect more advanced controls or gameplay. To end this review, I will give my verdict which is 7/10 for this game because of the awesome story, dialog, characters, and quests, but fell short with the gameplay, game-mechanics, and beginning.