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A member registered Feb 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I liked the music of this game so much. It was relaxing yet upbeat. I also thought the art was great. One suggestion is to give the deer a better jumping animation and also make it so the deer can't jump so far. It makes it look like it is floating in midair. I did also like the backgrounds. Great job overall!

I liked how this was a 3d game. This is one of the only 3d games I have seen with this project. I also liked the low poly art style. It makes it feel nice. One suggestion is to change the color of the text so it is easier to read. Also, make the control buttons smaller and add icons to them. Great job overall!

I like this game because it reminds me a bit of halo. I also thought the platformer animations were great, especially with the animation where you could hang onto the side of the walls. I would say that maybe add extra powerups. Also, the arrows  that appeared while walljumping were a bit confusing. Maybe remove those. Overall though it was a great game

I liked the art style of this game. It is simple yet effective. It reminds me a bit of a modern art piece. One suggestion might be to make the background less blurry as it looks a bit weird. Overall though it was a great game

I think this game is super cool because it is both simple yet complex. It reminds me a bit of the oregon trail game, but for mobile. I really liked how y'all gave the player so many choices. I also thought the art was great. One suggestion might be to give a rating at the end that summarizes how unethical/ethical the player was. Might be a cool detail to add. Great work overall!

I liked how in-depth this game was. I also playtested this game and thought the UI has improved quite a lot. Some of the graphics look a bit weird to me, especially when walking. However, I really think y'all put a lot of detail into this game especially with the ability to choose game modes. Really good!

I really liked the lighting effects y'all used in-game. It really game the game pop. I would say you should use a character model as opposed to a shape. I liked how the game was inspired by inside out. Overall, it was a neat game!

I think this game might need a bit more work in terms of the camera as well as extra animations. However, I thought the concept itself was pretty cool as I have always loved ship games. I think also some of the ship assets looked nice. I think this was pretty neat overall.

I thought the open-ish world design was really cool. Also, the enemy AI was great.One suggestion might be to use higher quality assets as some of them look a bit boxy. However, overall it was a great game!

I liked the game because it reminds me of this cooking game I used to play on the DS.I think the game is pretty fun and interesting. I like how you have all these kitchen assets in-game. I would have liked to see more detail like a character face, but overall I think it was a great game!

I liked the world of warcraft esque theme. I also thought the music choices were good. However, the UI on the web version is quite small. Overall, I loved the games and its graphics!

I like the theme of having a dog. I thought it was kind of creative. I also thought some of the rock textures were nice looking. However, I think you should not use a blue font on the main title. It is hard to read. Overall, I liked it!

I think the art style for this game is pretty neat. I like the pastel colors used. It gives it a very retro feel. I do think though that the game maybe should make the star background more pastel so it's easier to see the player. I also think the ground on the first level should just look more like a platform. Besides that I liked the game though!

I think the music used in the game is pretty cool. I like the story concept. However, I think you need to make the textures tiled because some of the textures look like they are really stretched out. Also, I think that there maybe should be a bit more variety in terms of the textures so it doesn't look the same every level. I liked it overall though! 

I think the game was really nice art wise! I liked the jungle background. However, I think some of the elements of the game could use better art. For instance, the red spikes look more like a square than actual spikes. I think it would make more sense to draw a full on spike to make it clear that they can kill you. I also felt like the gravity in the game was a bit too low. Besides that I liked it thought!

I think the music choice was pretty good and the art was good as well. I do think though it would make more sense to not allow users to choose their own levels from the start. Also, I think there needs to be a death animation. When you die it just restarts you without showing any sort of animation or anything. Also, some of the UI (like candies collected) is wayyyyy too small to read. Besides that I liked the game though.