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A member registered Jan 30, 2020

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ngl that was a rollercoaster of a read, but that last line makes it all better :)

(1 edit)

and no it doesnt the first screen is Languages O.o on first time load. That is under the assumption you purchased it via itch, or steam or patreon, but if somebody bought it and ran it first on a PC that had recognized german and then uploaded it, that would be the simplest and easiest explanation... but nobody would ever do that right?

after legitimately being frantic in trying to get her out of it, and realizing that in a panic i was now burnign art into her back in an attempt to get a rise out of her, i checked with URM but there arent any current further interactions, as of september. and nothing patch note wise, but with her photo being one of the 6 featured on the 4.4.0 patch im confident shes gonna return spry as a non catatonic trauma victim :')

bring back?

It's funny how i managed to get the 2 i was stuck between on the ship but at the same time was disapointed on how it wasnt because of something i did rather the game arbitrarily chose "you get X+Y" patreon dictated what was gpomg to happen. hopefully they arent all like this, only time will tell.
PS can we stop calling everything made in renpy a VN?

sweet baby jesus, where do you find the time?

episode 9 has been out for the better part of 2 months btw O.o check out the devs patreon....

I woulda DM'd but Maim Lain has a functional mod that i personally use for gallery. idk what the tos is regarding mods, but i do support, so plz no hate for mod use. :) 

literally the only way you could have had that happen would be to deny every attempt at a relationship from every possible source O.o i don't remember a single day during any of my playthroughs in which there was a single day in which nothing happened. and ive done RB harem, RBL harem, full harem, and solo R and solo B routes.