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A member registered Jul 08, 2020

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Tysm!!!! She is baby. 🥺 Very sweet and kind, she would love to be friends!! ❤

Thank U SM!!!! 🥺❤🥺

(1 edit)

This is Eris Paine.

She was found in an abandoned underground lab, in a room that looked like something a little girl had decorated... It was filled with Lolita themed items and stuffed animals strewn through the room.

But... There was one thing out of place.. a small female skeleton was in the corner, kept clean and dressed up with a teddybear in it's "lap" ... Eris sat in front of the skeleton, happily chatting and laughing as if they were having a lively conversation. As if Eris wasn't aware that the girl in front of her had long been gone...

When she spoke, she reminisced about the past when they played tea party and played house while their Dad was gone, running tests and writing theories on DNA splicing... She stopped talking for a moment then smiled, "I can't wait to 'play' with Dad again, I promise I won't complain about the needles and medicine anymore.... I just wanna see him again..."

She sat there mumbling to herself and ..... "BUT IT'S OKAY!!! I still have you Sister!!" She hugs the boney remains of her "sister"....

Eris still hadn't noticed the people who walked into the room. The 'rescuers' frown and look at each other.... One says, "I wonder if Eris realizes that the last date written in their father's notebook... Was over 10 decades ago..." 

That was over 50 years ago. Now, Eris has been kept in a home with some Scientists who have been teaching her about the world outside, and how some people may not "understand" and be scared of her.

Eris doesn't quite understand, but she is slowly learning how to become a regular part of society... That is.. If the world is ready for her. ❤