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A member registered Apr 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Love the sounds in the game so far, They're only going to get better with this new system

We love casting spells

Sounds are only getting better, its awesome to have you on the team

Console commands are great for debugging they have been invaluable

The level looks great. We only had to make minor adjustments and its been perfect for testing

The recoil feels great in the game. Its one of my favourite parts of the game

Had similar struggles this week, we move on together!

Love the breakdown here. 

Nova booooooooomb

Animation is a make or break for all games. You're doing great work so far. 

Heavy stuff.

Bjorn working his magic on the networking as always. Game is smooth and snappy.

The modularity of all systems in the game will be a crucial element in the ability for us to continue this game into the future and expand on it's content. Keep up the good work

Double the points, double the fun. Let's keep that ball rolling

This is going to be a game changer, literally. Keep up the good work John.