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A member registered Jul 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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"Horror Bunker Escape" successfully manages to create a genuinely terrifying atmosphere. The constant sense of danger keeps players on the edge of their seats. If the developers work on addressing some issues/errors, this game has the potential to become a highly enjoyable horror title. Ultimately, with a bit of polishing, it could evolve into a truly immersive and terrifying experience.

  1. It's essential to include tutorials or initial instructions to guide players on how to interact with objects like the flashlight. This would help prevent frustration and enable players to become more fully immersed in the storyline.
  2. Collisions need to be refined to prevent enemies from passing through certain objects, thereby preserving player immersion and experience.
  3. Conducting performance optimization would significantly enhance the game by preventing FPS drops that can disrupt player immersion.
  4. Sound improvements are much needed. Footstep sounds are excessively loud, and the damage sound seems out of place, sounding peculiar. While the ambient sound is acceptable, it could be enhanced to create a more suspenseful atmosphere and reinforce the sense of time urgency.

Overall, "Horror Bunker Escape" offers a promising horror experience that, with some adjustments and refinements, could become a truly spine-chilling and engaging game.

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