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A member registered Mar 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Love it! The shadow work was very impressive, and the joke became apparent once the enemy appeared. Feeling good about my 28K score. :)

Absolutely no pressure or rush! Just wanted to let you know. You, uh, literally started a new job? So I get if bug fixes take a backseat.

I had a lovely time playing this game. It reminded me of the cross-country road trip my partner and I went on this summer. I’m not much of a camper, but I became more of one!

Thanks for making this. I’m glad it’s a form of expression that you seem to enjoy using.

I’ve got a bug worth mentioning. At this dialog choice, when I picked the first one, I never got another bit of dialog. I felt I had to Alt-F4. Tried it twice both with & without dad jokes. :P

My limited high school experience with D&D had a good DM but one player who did wild stuff and probably ruined the grand design. It was also still fun. Thanks for making this.

I'm really glad this game exists. Thank you.