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Endless Art Games

A member registered Aug 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Alright, let's discuss it through emails or hangout.

(1 edit)

Greetings, Sir.. I'm deeply thankful for your comments, it was a great thrill knowing that you have your fun and enjoyed the game..

Please do forgive me that it seems I have missed something about the house and the party, and I don't know if posting a fix will break the rule for IGMC2018, but I will put a separate downloadable patch soon.

Once again, thankyou for your the comment and for pointing out the glitch, it made my day, Sir.. ^^

Best regards.

*Note: Apparently it is not possible to upload any files before the IGMC 2018 is finished. But once again, thankyou for playing and pointing out the error I have made which will be fixed once the competition is done. :)

Greetings, Sir.. Not at all, what can I help you with?

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Thankyou for the encouragement! It fires me up more! And thankyou once again for playing.. ^^

Sorry for the inconvenience.. Thankyou for posting, I'll upload the fixed one, nalurose!