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Endless Japery

A member registered Aug 14, 2022

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So, the art of this game is amazing, and the content I like is great. The grind is decidedly a little much, especially the mandatory potion collecting to be able to survive the first dungeon given you have to either search over and over for herbs or gather up the gold to buy the potions outright. That being said though, it's been years but if I remember right, a big complaint about TWD was how totally linear it was. With that in mind, is there ever going to be a way around the training scenes with Patrik? Because being forced into scenes I actively try to avoid, no matter what my stats are, in order to progress is a total letdown. Progression isn't even tied to your stats, but to the scenes, so you can't just use the console to set your stats to the next max. 

Basically, I actually love the game, but being forced into something I'm uncomfortable with is super disheartening.