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Encounters Ltd.

A member registered Dec 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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this whole series was so lovely... this was a nice way to end it <3

this was fun!! love the "adventure game" vibe

i loved going on the nature walk

i love it when in these stories everything clicks... these are so amazing

awwwww, this was so nice! i like how the story in this one develops.

aaaa i love this series a lot already!! no spoilers but the worldbuilding in this installment alone is so much fun! i guess i'll be here a while hehe

thanks for the kind words!! the branching endings thing is what im most excited to implement ;)

AWWWWW this is rlly sweet!!!

this is nice!! i was half expecting drinking all the juices to DO something lol but as it stands i love it, i like the color scheme

reality is an illusion

are you still shipping zines?

this is such a cute, fun game. seeing how the different colors impact the events and mood of the story is so satisfying. my favorite ending is the alien invasion lol ;)