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Emperor Lia

A member registered Aug 18, 2021

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Is there an English version??

(1 edit)

This game is absolutely Brilliant,  I am intrested to see what else you guys have created and will create. Thank you for the amazing game!!.

My favorite was Junoru, His personality is really fun and his story is very well through out. (Only negative is that I ended up disliking Kurato afterwards because  Chain and him being on friendly terms with him going as far as being rivals. Though this was all because of how attached I was to Junaro  so it's more of a personal thing) Though he wasn't the least liked male lead, I absolutely despised Zeikun because of his rude nature. Though I loved how cute Sachiro was, so at the end of it all they balance themselves off, truthfully more to the positive side since I love Junoru and Sachiro.

(On a sidenote: Would have enjoyed a Yuri Route with our good friend Ikiya)