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A member registered Mar 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aw this is really awesome!

My hand hurts now, here's the tune:



(1 edit)

Cool game, nice!

Yeah, that's how it usually goes, you fix one thing and ten others stop functioning

The helicopter joystick isn't detected now, and if you hover over a key in the controls and press escape the game freezes, and on a regular controller you must either speed up or slow down, you can't maintain your current speed.
Also, I appreciate the fact that you kept working on this a little longer even though you said you wanted to move on from it

I disabled mouse inputs and clicked on the rebind menu and the game froze, when I reload the game I can't click on the pause menu anymore, and pressing escape also freezes the game.

Nice game, the gameplay is pretty repetitive. Once you bring back a fuel cell, you've experienced the whole game, but you need to do it again four times. I think the game would've benefited from a slightly more colorful ground and being able to carry multiple fuel cells. (And maybe a faster/jumpier vehicle?)

Awesome update! Thanks for adding in controller support.

The only bug I've found is that the music doesn't always start on restart and it doesn't always stop when pausing. (and you can still go under the map)

Controller suggestions (calling the regular controller "controller" and the helicopter controller "joystick"):

  • It's hard to shoot with a controller because you need to press the A button while holding on both sticks, would be cool to shoot with the triggers.
  • Pressing B on controller could fast restart
  • The Dpad should be the same as the right stick on controller because:
  • The joystick doesn't have the "arrow keys" (right stick on controller), but it does have the Dpad. Also, it has a "turn" axis (called axis 6) which could have the same controls as the right stick's horizontal axis on the controller (left/right keys on the keyboard)

Alternate controls (toggleable) (to make the joystick work like in simulator games): 

  • Switching W and S with the Up and Down Arrows, and switching W with S

So the keys would be:

W: Down Arrow, S: Up Arrow, Up Arrow: W, Down Arrow: S

Non-controller related ideas:

  • Adding rings (flight challenge, maybe on a separate map?)
  • Boosters (if you're in it, you go faster (would make the map more interesting))
  • Coins (gives you points)
  • Damage when crashing into something?
  • Damage indication on the ship (might be too hard, if you'll do it, leave it for last)

Nice game! The font is a bit hard to read, but that might be just me.

Great update, really loved it! I found a few bugs, they didn't really bother me while playing, I only list these for the report's sake.

The sounds screen (pause) had two issues:

  • The sounds were turned down by default (at least for me), when you turn them on they get saved after you reload the page and everything works fine, but sometimes the sounds only start if you press a button (it usually happens when clicking F5 to reload) (might be a unity/browser thing). Video:
  • Sound effect changes only work after unpausing. Video: 

Mouse related:

  • The middle of the screen doesn't change when putting the game on fullscreen, it only works if you manage to put it on fullscreen before the game loads. Video: 
  • Not really a bug but "Confine Cursor" is a bit cryptic, still not sure what it does

Other bugs:

  • You can go under the map in two spots, kinda adds to the game to be honest. Video:
  • You can hit balloons through the airships (not like that's a bad thing)

Controller related: (the game can be played without a keyboard so it's half controller supported)

  • Pause button remains selected after clicked with the mouse, then, if you press fire on a controller/joystick (A button on controller, Trigger on joystick) the pause menu will open up, so you need to click away first with the mouse and then use the controller
  • (request) It would be cool if you could change the controls, if a full controls menu is too much then at least have the option to put the mouse controls to the arrow keys so it's possible to emulate it (+ make it so both the mouse click and the space key could be used for shooting (so you could play the game without using a mouse))

Last thing, when you run out of fuel and you're far from enemies it takes too long to get energy or to get killed (restart button maybe?)

Anyways, that took a while to write, hope it was comprehensible.