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A member registered Jun 15, 2019

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(1 edit)

I found this game through people talking about the sort of locomotion (or lack thereof) that Shattered Lights used. This and Unseen Diplomacy were the only other games that were cited as existing, and I gotta say, this has blown me away. The aesthetic is wonderful, the energy transfer system feels really good (once I figured it out, anyways, but even figuring out how it worked felt like a satisfying puzzle -- I skimmed the basics and set out to find stuff out in-game as best I could). I only played one level, five zones, but am very much looking forward to going back for more. Initial impressions these may be, but being that it is pre-alpha, the fact the core and first-time experience was so solid really says a lot about the potential of the game overall. I'm gonna be trying to pitch this to everyone I know that has VR, and it will become a title I demo to guests without a doubt. 

I look forward to seeing where this goes from here! Thank you for all your hard work thus far!

PS: This is going to be an amazing game to have available on the Quest. I wish I could experience this wireless, and am super happy that entry-level VR users will have such a cool game available to them.