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A member registered Jan 20, 2019

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(1 edit)

- Scrolling of mazes' list by mouse wheel

- More unusual shapes for labyrinths - triangles, circles, spirales, bottom/upper places (like in dark maze), big "grape" (a lot of small interconnected elliptic mazes), narrower/wider corners (like in one maze)

- More textures and various things for some mazes like those red spheres in sky

- Windows in some outer/inner walls

- "Green grass" look like in garden mazes

- City streets as maze

- Very long corridor(s) as joke

- Very big empty spaces without long walls (maybe garden or forest with trees and bushes, or small walls) with exit somewhere deep between trees and bushes

- Very big empty spaces without walls with many (interconnected) straight/curved paths on the ground, close to each other, to follow right path among them all for a long time

- (Semi)transparent glass mazes from 1st look

- Mirror mazes (from 1st look)

(I wrote this in Russian on steam in review.)

- Sound volume option (slider, on/off)

- FOV slider (maybe small degree of changing for some 1st person levels)

- Custom appearance of mazes (recolouring of floor and walls with choosen colours, maybe sky and sky details too)

- More stylized looks (like in level beginnings) and more of those lovely trees

- More line filtering (as I remember, one floor/purple wall border was not smooth, and level 8 has flickering on walls' and floor's textures' borders)

- Level 7 (with houses) has big and small doors

- More lions and other "exit" things besides gold chests. Chests have pixelized look.

- Maze autogeneration? (With size, colours, sky options.)

- I stuck on level 8 in right corner at start immediately during small time

I want Lion too... Lions are so lovely and hot in Beastars manga... In anime we almost haven't seen them closely yet.

What with Raion? After anime and manga Beastars I like lions, wolves and bunnies more... ^___^
