Just had an epic death in Act I and boy is it awesome!
The mechanics are easy to follow yet allow you a myriad of choices:
do I heal, do I camp, do I push on, should I switch weapons?
I legit jumped from excitement when I managed to crush an ambush as I chose to push on with 1 hp.
Each faction and NPC has flavor, the bosses are unique and have the perfect amount of souls style to be challenging but allow the story to unfold.
I caught myself picturing the battle and narrating to myself:
"I parry your attack and cut your belly open and you are close to dead my friend" clenching the weapon I found 3 encounters earlier.
And the replayability is endless.
But I shall stick to Hagmar until he climbs the top.
An excellent game to play while you sit in your comfy chair, only to be on the edge of the seat 2 minutes later, screaming at the dice, and cursing your choices.
A member registered Jul 14, 2021