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A member registered May 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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thanks!! as a level design project it's nice to know I did a good job guiding players on where to go

Thank you for playing! Glad to hear the experience was great, both audibly and visually.

The game definitely needs instructions or an in-game tutorial, especially for people like me who have no clue how sailing works. I did try my best to figure out how to sail but I'm always stuck on the speed of 2 knots... Discovering how mechanics work is only fun when I at least know the basics of it. 

Other than that, I love the visuals of the game and how the ship's wheel reflects the controls. It would be nice to have a visual display of where the wind is coming from rather than just the number itself. Something like a compass on the screen maybe? Good job on the project though! Would definitely be fun for those who know how to play