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Elsie W.

A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This game is still my favourite in my entire library

^ Gay-mergirl and her deniem witch GF

^ University graduate and her English teacher

^ 90s Rollerskating date night

^ Kitty and her silver haired beloved

I adore it so much

x Elsie

I realise this is incredibly basic, it’s just two drawings of girls and a bunch of illustrated outfits for them to wear placed on various layers, splayed across the screen for you to click and drag and play with, but I literally almost cried.

I’m so happy. This is the best thing and I love it. I would happily pay for an expanded version of this.

  • Elsie

PS: Hello future me cleaning up my internet presence, make sure to keep this comment as a testament to how gay you are.