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lo sulci

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh, where do i start? incredibly and honestly written. terribly relatable, in the most complimentary way possible. i've had admittedly too many relationships where i was in positions similar to pan's- sometimes caretaker, sometimes sex toy, sometimes both. the way pan's feelings progress, blind devotion to subtle discomfort to resentment and weariness, is just. god. having your identity shaped by someone else and coming to realize that you miss who you used to be and remembering her and loving her but never fully being able to get back to her.  feeling tethered to someone, physically and emotionally, while at the same time feeling so distant. the way that we project our insecurities and hurt each other in the process- "you'll finally be a real girl!" being taken away from the rest of the world, having kindness and affection doled out just frequently enough to keep you from leaving. fuck. this game ripped my fucking heart out and ate it. thank you so much for making it.