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ellis dex

A member registered Jan 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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omg u did it

oh awesome!!! thank you so much :D

this is SOOOO lovely. really enjoy the textures and colours!!! thanks for posting about your process in the other comments, as well - definitely going to have to try lvllvl out next time i do a bipsi

thank you so much, this really means so much to me <3333

(1 edit)

i can't believe this was disqualified! surely disqualification suggests that they are infringing on your free speech - the infringement upon which and existence of which is political in itself. such hypocrisy!

i'd say this is iconic but icons suggest idolatry and politics <3

WAHHHH this is so cute... clowns are such a perfect choice for this theme, and for the feeling of going on dates!! small talk really is like juggling... and you really do feel more like a performer than real. really cute game with lovely visuals + mechanics!!

matt rife WISHES he was this guy

i'm crying that was SO funny and clever and really did not go where i was expecting at all LMAOOOOOO. perfect game + the ui reminds me so much of games i used to play on the GBA!!! really well done <3


thank you so much for such a lovely and detailed comment, i really appreciate your thoughts <333 i've definitely gotten better at asserting boundaries and having friends who respect them! hard to learn, haha, but necessary all the same

thank you!! <3 yeah i love them haha, it's a shame i didn't have enough time to let you hang out with them more

thank you so much!!! i'm so glad that came across :D

THANK YOU!!! <3333 this is such a lovely comment!! thank you so much for playing

this is SO GOOD!!! i want to live in this world. what a ridiculously interesting job this would be!! the mechanics are great - i loved having to put thought into what i was choosing, and getting everyone to give their input on it, especially the cat (and i love that the Extra Cursed one is random!) - but more than anything, it's the characters and the writing which charmed my socks off. feels really realistic and exactly like the kind of banter you'd have with friends at work. loved all the bits, and the radio guys, and i replayed to see what the response to what may or may not be beston jeeper's kettle was (as mine was cursed the first time!). really just a lovely game

thank you! i really appreciate it <3

thank you for playing <3

thank you for playing <3

thank you so much!!

thank you <3

it should clear after you've entered all the side rooms - if it doesn't, i'd recommend making sure cookies are allowed on the page, as not allowing them might prevent some things from working properly :) 

this is beautiful <3 the scenery is lovely - the sunfall, particularly - but also the pure humanity of it. all the characters feel so real, and their hopes and dreams and histories. it's really lovely! thank you for making it

this is great!! the tone of the writing is spot-on for a museum, and the imagined future within it is super interesting.

although this game doesn't have the answers, it does ask a lot of the same questions that i do, and that's more than enough. really lovely. thank you for making it <3

this is so lovely!! it's a really cool mechanic, having the player choose where to bury the capsule and that then affecting the path their descendant goes on to find it. the town feels really alive, especially on multiple playthroughs, where you have to talk to multiple people - lives layered across lives, history across history. thank you for making it!

oh this is SO cute. you really captured not only tons of different and distinct character voices and locations, but also the wonder of history and etymology and change itself. a really lovely little journey. thank you for making it!

ilysm <33333

thank you!! i really appreciate it <3

oh well this is just the loveliest comment i've ever gotten T-T thank you so much for playing! multiple times!!! it means so, so much to me that it helped you, however much - sometimes all we need is to know that we're not the only person feeling the way we are. it's only human to feel pain, despair, loss - and it is only human to struggle ever onwards, to keep hoping and growing. i hope your journey is kind to you <3

thank you!! <3

Hiya! Just wanted to ask whether Binksi - a version of bipsi with Ink integration - is allowed for this specific jam? I know it's a little more complex than most forks, so I wanted to double check before starting anything :) 

future :) 

thank you!!! <3

the UI and music and writing are all so cohesive and really add to the melancholy vibe of this. super great work, and super relatable to a lot of us under capitalism. <3

cool demo! really intrigued to see where it goes

(1 edit)

if it helps, for my one, i added 

.menu-toggle-button {
  size: 0px;
  font-size: 0px;
  opacity: 0;

to main.css to make them basically invisible/unclickable! i couldn't figure out how to just do the skills but since mine didn't have sound i wasn't super bothered about the volume or text speed controls either

this is a really interesting demo! it gives a good sense of the characters, and the premise is interesting - how can 30 seconds make a difference? what will happen if they try 10 minutes? so many questions to be answered! and i really like the background too, i think it sets the scene really well

thank you! ^^


thank you!! i'm glad people are checking out the tumblr page haha, i put a lot of effort into making it just right :`)