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Elli Duewel

A member registered May 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game has one of the most fun and fitting interfaces I've seen in all of our school projects. The paper like elements fit the childhood vibes very well. You play a little astronaut toy (Heavy Toy Story vibes!!) in a gigantic room full of small details. Your way is guided by glooming-in-the-dark stars and there is a lovely cutscene in the beginning. It looks like a puppet theatre and explains how a young boy forgot his toy to the player.
Well programmed with many features such as climbing and dialog etc. Nice Game!

Very cool game, I loved their fluid interface design and their 3D models along with the unity post processing gives off a moody atmosphere. Nice features such as hiding in a cabinet to not get caugt by the train conductor, I would love to see a full version of this game.

Sadly this game is not released yet, but I saw their pitch and they had beautiful background artwork, very lovely animations, and a simple but fun game loop. 

fun game with a lot of cool gimmicks and a rather unusual but nonetheless important topic

Really nice graphics. the topic of this game is a little dark but its easy to understand because the devs put a lot of effort into the dialogue and environmental design. Goood Job guys!

I loved the little easter eggs in this game that featured many of our classmates. Graphics looked very well and they tackled a very important topic in a way, that made it fun and interactive, not too hard to handle. Good work!

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Thank you very much! We put a lot of work into it and it's great to have people like you appreciate that. Keep up your Youtube work!