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Eliza ;)

A member registered Jul 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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This had happened to me as well. Make sure you have downloaded and extracted ALL of the attached files that go with the game. I'm very sorry if this hasn't helped! :)

I've taken my time and had a wonderful experience playing this game! The art, especially in Mafia Town, was well drawn and held my attention perfectly throughout my experience! THE CHILDREN ARE ALL SO ADORABLE I COULD SQUEEZE THEM TO DEATH!!! The writing is well done, each character is portrayed with consistent personalities and I was actually tense inside Vanessa's Manor!!! I do recommend adding a way to clear save slots; I know you can override save slots but there is no way to delete them(minor issue really, there are plenty of save slots available). I also noticed that a little ways into Hat Kid's party, one round, I accidentally misspelled my name! I have no idea how I managed to do that, but there was no way to quickly change it(yet another very minor issue considering there is a conveniently placed back button and auto save slots available). Overall I had such a wonderful time and I simply cannot wait for more to come!