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A member registered Aug 19, 2024

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(1 edit)

It would be really cool to have a vtuber lighting option like Vtuber Studio, where you can make the vtuber darker with the eyes or other parts shining to emulate a light-off situation (if possible, along with this idea, there could be a button on the custom objects that would turn on whether they would be affected by the lighting or not)

example video: "VTubeStudio - Scene Lighting Customization" from Cutie Dragon on Youtube

I believe that in vtuberkit it could be a more simplified version like just a "brightness selector" where you can define a value for the vtuber brightness along with this buttons on the eyes and custom objects to be affected by the brightness or not

Also a mouth tracking would be great, for smiling, neutral and sad (it could be something with the available mouths)

(1 edit)

I'm really enjoying using vTuber Kit and I believe it has great potential, so here are some ideas that would help me and I believe it would help other people too:

  • A way to lock the custom objects, sometimes I use a lot of them and it's impossible to click on what I want to change, so a way to lock them would help a lot.
  •  an option to disable some save slots and cameras that I'm not using, since it's not possible to remove the hotkeys, as well as an option to add hot key combinations (like Shift+F1 or Ctrl+F2 etc).
  • A simple option that could help in some cases would be a way to turn on/off the bounce effect when changing save slots and the transition effect when changing cameras (not a priority).
  • A funny idea would be a way for the throw items to stick to the vtuber, and clear it with clear items like the drop object.
  • Last but not least, If possible, a way for FaceTracker to detect expressions, I don't know if it would be possible in vtuber kit but it would be really good to have something that detects if I'm angry, sad, laughing, or scared, so it would change the vtuber's expression and make it more dynamic.

I think that in its current state with these functions, vTuber Kit can already be considered a great vtuber application, both for beginners and advanced players, I really like the aesthetics and the simplicity of using it, good job :)