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A member registered Feb 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry to hear that. You aren't missing much the game is very simple haha. Gravity rolls you down a slope. You move left and right trying to collect the white tiles (snow), which increases your mass and size a little. The mass then makes it harder to maneuver around. You reach the end and that is it. 

If you really want to play it I can try and see what I can do. I would first need to know when exactly you were crashing. For example, was it during the loading of the game, as soon as you got to the main menu, shortly after you clicked play in that menu, or sometime else.

That is probably because I manually placed each platform into the level and each one has a collider attached to it. Also, the texture for the basketball  and snow was manually made and is likely extremely inefficient and causing problems. I probably should have made it so the platforms were destroyed once you left the collider.

The sphere does scale up it is just very minuscule. By rock texture do you mean the white texture. That was meant to be snow haha, I guess my texture creating skill needs improvement in both realism and efficiency.

That is probably because I manually placed each platform into the level and each one has a collider attached to it. Also, the texture for the basketball  and snow was manually made and is likely extremely inefficient and causing problems. I probably should have made it so the platforms were destroyed once you left the collider.

My thought was this is more of a mini-game that is part of a large collection of mini-games all involving a basketball used in sports that aren't normal for it. This one is downhill skiing, but I was sick the weekend of this, so my productivity was pretty low and I didn't get to do as much as I wanted to. I also spent the majority of the time I did have trying to setup blueprint(s) that will allow me to spawn a set number of platforms to the sides and in front of the original platform and then have the platform that was spawned in front do the same thing. That was going to lead into adding new types of platforms that could be spawned in, such as bumps, jumps, etc.