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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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Nice game, got it in the bundle and played it until a bit past the sea journey.  
I know some programming, so my basic experience was "Yes I *get* it, now can we ramp up the difficulty faster or skip a few levels?", but then again it's aimed at kids, not at me. 

I suspect you might need to spell out a few more things for kids, like "you don't lose if you bump into the edge, so a loop where you occasionally try to go too far (or attack thin air) is OK" and "You win as soon as you get to the goal, so it's OK if that happens in the middle of a loop". 

IMO, the pause after winning was a bit too long (on a mac); I suggest checking if the code is a win first, and if so, start loading stuff in advance while the code plays out. 

Maybe also add a "you win!" splash with a rudimentary grade of "Victory!" (got to the goal), "Fast!" (wrote the code in under five minutes), "Concise!" (few lines), "Precise!" (no unnecessary actions) and "first try!"(no need for debugging) . 

On the whole, nice game, nice graphical programming interface, good graphics & sound, might recommend it for parents of younger kids - but for teens and adults who want to know a bit about what programming is like, I'll still direct them to Kongregate's LightBot, and for gamers who want to do programming puzzles, I'll still recommend the Zachtronics games.