not many people can say they enjoyed doing their assignments (LOL), but I really enjoyed playing assignment due: project blue <3
[spoilers ig for people who haven't played yet]
we Iove a good banter through the chatbox + google docs, and the dynamic between mc and asher is so sweet!! mc's got a pretty fun voice while being relatable while asher is everything to me- I mean, he's a great project partner with soft pretty brown hair and kind moss green eyes and a sweet smile and a beautiful voice (kudos to the VA, director and implementation btw!!! ) and-- okay, in all seriousness, he's an amazing character who isn't just defined by being MC's LI, and I adore how y'all have written + protrayed his struggles with career and parents (very relatable /hugs him forever), his sweet relationship with his brother, his aspirations for the future. as an ace attorney fan who's been pressured to go to law school by their parents (and idk if I'm going back) it's really healing to see asher find out what he wants and go for his dreams :D
while I'm too chicken to play the bad ending rn, I LOVED the story, the characters, the dialogue (SUCH good banter) - the writing is so chef's kiss. sound-wise, it's amazing!!! it's so cool how everything's fully voiced with such nuance and emotion!! love the music as well it's so good and I need the ost on loop, man. the art is so good!!! i loved the cgs, asher's sprite, the lil bunny emotes, the title screen!! the UI is great too!! I loved how the google docs was open in another tab HAHA everything is just so good and thought-out!!!! A+ 100/100 would do my projects with asher again <3
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hello!! thank you so so so much for the SWEESTEST review!!!! it really made my and the team's year <33 and for catching the smallest details like piers' volume aaa i'm so happy you caught that!! also, thanks to your comment and some inspiration from raven's VA, torux, I got an idea to make the bad and neutral routes more interesting :3 IS the romance route the true route? who can say :3
I remember the feeling of scripting my first visual novel otome game years ago--that rush of excitement in wanting to see my writing jiving with the art and sound, tied together by the magic of programming. Of course, corporate game dev is a different beast altogether, and I'd nearly forgotten this feeling... until this winter vn game. I took a chance, hung my wish on a snowflake, and got the amazing opportunity to work with this team of talented individuals! It was so cool (pun intended) getting to see how everyone worked and how everything came together! The final project is also so much cooler (pun more intended) than I imagined! It was just as fun to play as it was to write. I hope you all enjoy a Wish of Snow <3
Bonus, screenshot of one of my favorite cinematic shots like damn!
No one in this ball is quite who they seem, and I love how the game perfectly captures that! Alright, my round of praises and appraises (in no particular order):
- THE UI IS STUNNING! Beautiful colors, striking silhouettes, and smooth animation! The font is also readable and pretty!
- THE ART IS GORGEOUS!!! The sprites are stunning, the CGs are chef's kiss! The outfits and the amount of detail!!! so good!!!! and the backgrounds are so beautiful and honestly, great for a wallpaper!!! Really enhances the immersion in the game.
- Soundwise, the music is catchy and gives a good feeling of the tone and individual characters! Voices are amazing and add to the whole experience of investigation and romance <3 (Noelle's voice is sooo dreamy <3)
- The writing is evocative and engaging!!!! The story's premise itself is so fun (catching down a phantom thief while being in disguise at a ball!! so exciting) with the MC having a strong, independent girlboss personality that never forgets her relatable flaws (that can logically lead to bad endings), adorable quirks, and admirable strengths (that, of course, reasonably lead to the good endings should the player choose them.)
- Each route has its charms as each gentleman has an intriguing perspective, allure, secret, and dynamic with Noelle! I loved her and Butler Everly's banter (I'm a sucker for friends to lovers) and his backstory made me gasp. (I accidentally got his bad ending on the first try asghfkl). Mystery Man Marsden's route was a surprising delight and brilliantly executed play on one of my favorite tropes! Of course, the host himself was an absolute Darling(ton) with how much depth he had (though his bad ending got my jaw dropping too). They also provoke different sides of Noelle, the tsundere she is, and I highly enjoyed trying to get all the endings!
Overall, a fun, fantastic game that I cannot recommend enough!
My girlfriend and I finished it in one sitting, and we loved the demo! The sprite arts are so gorgeous and each detail (from Persephone's cornucopia earrings to the wheat-like braids in her hair) is wonderful! The backgrounds are also breathtaking! All the flowers in that one field are so pretty. Also this has got to be one of my favorite designs of Hecate as well <3 Love the purple flames and crescent on her shoulder aaaa.
Persephone is precious, and you can really feel Demeter's worry and determination for her daughter - as well as frustrations with people not willing to aid her. The writing is lovely, succinct and striking, highlighted by the enchanting music and aesthetic UI. I'm so excited for more <3
Happy anniversary, Our Life! Though I'd heard of the game before, I only played a few months ago, starting a save file with my girlfriend... then I ended up so addicted to it that I stayed up til 2-3 am after work playing it. Then when I finished the DLC, I stayed up til 3 yet again to write Cove/MC fanfic haha <3
As a VN writer and longtime gamer, Our Life is one of the best visual novels I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It's so fun and never gets old despite how many times you replay. (The variations and callbacks are insane btw, kudos to the GB Patch team for that!)
It's so wholesome and lighthearted. The jokes never failed to make me laugh (I loved teasing Cliff and Cove). And the hurt/comfort moments were handled so excellently. The Reflections DLC moment got me bawling so hard. The realism and depth of these characters are amazing.
Whoever said the perfect man doesn't exist has never met Cove Holden. (And this is where I took a mini break to cry because I miss him so much.) Getting to know him was such a precious, irreplaceable experience. He's a wonderful friend and playing the platonic route was fun, but honestly? He's one of my Top Tier LIs of all time. Sweet, stubborn, and maybe a little bit spoiled (who can say no to him??), Cove is so easy to love. His struggles in dealing with change is so relatable. The way he can be /our constant/ in a life that's ever changing is so beautiful. I can't wait to replay the game and love Cove all over again!!
Derek was fricking amazing too. He's such hardworking thoughtful guy with issues that cut deep (I vibed with having a fam that's very dependent on you and struggling to figure out your career).
Like I said, the supporting cast was so fun and comforting too. Ma and Mom are lovely, and I adore Kyra and Cliff so much. Elizabeth really felt like an older sibling, and I love the Filipino rep <3
All in all, it broke my heart to say goodbye to Sunset Bird, especially since real life changed so drastically, so similarly to the end of step 3. But Cove was always there. Every, "See you tomorrow" came true (especially at the butt crack of dawn, oh Cove). There are no words to accurately describe how returning to Sunset Bird feels so comforting, how being surrounded by all these loving and lovable characters felt like family, and how seeing Cove again feels like home, the way our MC is home to him.
Thank you so much, GB Patch. I genuinely can't wait to see more from the Our Life Cinematic Universe 🥺 💜
this sequel is phenomenal!! I loved all the memes and shenanigans the lgbteens(+) got up to!! akarsha best girl but i adored seeing diya, min and noelle grow and develop too! it's also amazing to get to know more of the other girls on the baseball team <3
im so happy for this representation and insight into asian american kids! very nuanced and complicated and human! it's amazing to see the game tackling the nitty-gritty with a hopeful note of reframing it as a unique experience and the message it's never too late to learn about one's culture. life isn't optimal but we can do what we can to be happy with each other! thank you so much for this wonderful game!!!
I didn't believe in love at first sight until playing this demo.
Okay, grandiose statements aside, this is was the most fun I've had playing a demo in a while!! I came fresh of binging Our Life 1 this week, and took a breather before Derek's route. Said breather did not give me time to intake air because this game took my breath away!
Customizing the MC is always fun! I nearly teared up at having multiple pronouns as well as the frequency of them. It made me incredibly happy to see "he" and "they" being interchanged often. The little doll makers so cute too. I admire yall's effort in all the little details!
Speaking of, I love everyone's little icons! The UI is just so charming and cute!! The character sprites are also so adorable! I loved Cove's side profile CGs and I'm happy to see more!
The music always slapped but aaa I really loved the piano and the strings here! "Qiu" and "Smooth" were my favorite tracks so far.
The writing is also so cool! I love the descriptions of nature and comparing the characters to such! And of course the leads are such cuties! Qiu is so charming and Tamarack is a delight, I can't wait to see more of them! [Spoilers I guess?] But Darren is so endearing, and Baby Baxter's so damn funny ashfkfk I'm excited to meet the rest!
I really love the subversions from OL1. From MC being (one of) the latest newcomers, an LI being the local, the charming school setting... it's something exciting and entirely new while keeping the spirit of the first game.
All in all, thank you guys for your hard work! I am very excited for this!
i dont know why i played this near midnight alone in my room but i did that and got scared sh-tless at the distorted face HAHA especially since i accidentally got the bad ending(?) with the curses... man that woke me up HAHAH i like it though! effect achieved i love horror games HAHA
(slight spoilers ig?)
i like cinder's monologue and hints that things aren't... quite right like the invasive questions, mentioning how humans are fascinated by what's scary... lol
the minigames were fun!! and i really love the music!! cinder's art is really cute-- and terrifying!! i love the final cg<3 a cool short game i played a few times and i'm really intrigued by cinder's thoughts and the different aspects of them in the different endings! if you guys do an extended version or hell, drop a lore doc i'd be so into it!
the demo was really, really fun!! and i'm sooo excited for the full game :D the chat style UI looks sleek and cute (i love the color-coded teardrops under MC's responses<3). i think its a good balance of being unique while giving me some of the mystic messenger/chat-based dating sim nostalgia <3
the boys are all so interesting, and i appreciate how spaced out their intros were! i came here for dear sweet puppyish leo but ended up falling for the foxy tobias (kija's siren song luring me in yet again lmao #nightowlbestboy). i also loved that their banter and interactions with each other were natural and added to their characters <3 i got a soft spot for brooklyn & alexei and the comedy duo of rory and leo HAHA. milo's also really pretty and intriguing (who needs a vanderwood route? /j)
the letters and updates through emails are also delightful (leo greeting me on my birthday was such a lovely gift <3), and i can't wait for more! thank you for working hard on the game and take care of yourselves, guys!
such a fantastic game!! i really loved how immersive it was in making you feel like you joined a new discord server for an obscure fandom! the server aspect was super cool to play through! loved the calls too, the voice acting was superb <333 the npcs were cool (Salocin best dad), and i love love LOVE all the LIs, especially nightowl best boy who had me mad blushing the entire ride <33 Quest is really sweet and xyx is hilarious <3 i loved Toaster's route too, the parallels and mystery behind the server and all was amazing! i miss the game already aaa <3
all i can say is: perfect. 10/10, the art is GORGEOUS, the pixel UI is too cute, the animation is so fly and smooth (i can't stop rewatching the opening animation clip), and micah's design is just perfect? it's the first thing that caught my eye, and everything about him is so stunning! his stupid adorably streaked hair, his beautiful golden eyes, his cocky smirk with his little toof--not that, you know, i've been staring at my rival for hours on end or anything >< HAHA.
but yeah, the writing is fricken amazing!! the banter flows so smoothly and sends me laughing every second <3 it's been fun to replay and see different dialogue branches that flow so well (as a game dev writer myself always gotta admire that variation <3).
the music's also stellar <3 the ost's been on loop in my spotify for the past four days i've known micah. not that i've been stuck in micah brainrot since binging the game in 2 hours, but since we're on topic!!!!
micah yujin is literally the most perfect combination of pixels i've ever had the pleasure to banter/flirt with in a dating sim. the voice acting is hot--er, i mean, fuckin PHENOMENAL. he's sweet, charming, adorably annoying and annoying adorable with depth!! and (minor spoilers?) also a cat!! what more do you need?
anyways idk if people are reading this but if you are - go have fun playing the game and support the brilliant devs! <333