No problem thank you!
Recent community posts
Understood. I have last question I see that the license for this asset pack falls under that we can't modify it and have to use it as it is. Creative Commons Attribution_NoDerivatives v4.0 International
Will it stay that way? Sometimes when i was building with your assets i had to tweak it a little bit sometimes with art to make it more flexible in usage. Such as implementing custom made special attacks or stuff like that (same goes for ememies)
For example, the metriodvania series you released, I build my game upon the metriodvania asset pack (the free one) and I am planning to use these maps and tiles and items as extension DLC pack, but the art with items and a few thing has a bit of a different style in a few instances (items, npc's etc). I would had to slighty adjust sprite sizes or visual in order to make them match
Hi Lobster, while looking in the files I got a bit sad and dissapointed about polytheism being added in some of the sprites. I was planning to finish the support needed for the project incase you didn't reach the goal, but because of this content I am can no longer assist in this due to personal reasons (Unless it might get removed of course then there is no problem) I would appreciate if perhaps those types of topic can be removed in the content production. (I am actually speaking about the "goddess" stuff.