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A member registered Apr 22, 2017

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nice look when u going to make a new patch ?

need to make a pve server so we can have fun building an killing zombies an not have to get fuck over from dif counrtys comein in to us an not letting to ground base to build how the hell are we to learn or have fun when all u do is run around a get no items or dumb ass players tinks its cool to just power kill ill try this again in a few hrs to see if ur still dumb an not stop power killers

cant make the items needed crefting needs a major redo over cant find items or make items to build anything just alot of runing for crumbs of food and drink just to have some dumb ass come along a take what took u fucking hrs to hunt down just bull shit an respawn points are so screwed up it not funny

great an funny as hell made me go in a slap a few muhaha