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A member registered 21 days ago · View creator page →

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Hey! Thanks for checking out my music and I am interested in joining your team. Do you have Discord? @starshipinfinity

Hey everyone - I am a composer and writer looking to join a team for this game jam. I love focusing on the idea of simplicity. I just finished my first solo game dev project and am looking for new collaborators to make some cool shit and this jam sounds awesome. Here is a link to my website:  Let me know if you want to talk!

Hey everyone - I am a composer and writer looking to join a team for this Horror Jam. I just finished my first solo game dev project and am looking for new collaborators to make some cool shit and this jam sounds awesome. Here is a link to my website:  Let me know if you want to talk!

Hey everyone - I am a composer and writer looking to join a team for MechJam. I just finished my first solo game dev project and am looking for new collaborators to make some cool shit and this jam sounds awesome. Here is a link to my website:  Let me know if you want to talk!

Hey everyone - I am a composer and writer looking to join a team for this Liminal Game Jam. I just finished my first solo game dev project and am looking for new collaborators to make some cool shit and this jam sounds awesome. Here is a link to my website:  Let me know if you want to talk!

Hey Jimmi - I am a composer and writer and interested in finding teammates to work on this game jam. Check out my page and let me know if you want to talk more!