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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I love the effect and the assets in this game, especially the third scene, which like a magic circle and the effect is so impressive. I think it could be a VR game right? great work!! The first time I played this game, I felt I was in an immersive experience museum, which I feel calm and chill!! love the atmosphere

Great to see the development of the game, since the last time playtest. The story behind this game is realistic and worth thinking deeply. When I play this game, I can feel what you guys want to convey to players since the story is in the game. "The higher we climbs, the greater the responsibility".

It reminds me of the day when I played the pixel games. It is really classic style of gameplay, I really like to play this kind of game. The color is nice and the strategy in the game also classic. dropping, picking and scoring. great work!!!

You guys were surprised me at the gameplay, putting boxes, delete boxes. I really like this setting in this game. Also, the visual of this game is classic, which they are made of pixels.

This game, reminds me of the time when I playing "I wanna", lol. The best solution of this game is to smash your keyboard xD, jk. Actually, I love the visual part in this game, and the rules in the last stage. Usually, players will think to dodge the knives or stand for 10sec if the character without weapons to attack the boss, but in this game, we have to touch the boss to reach the final. I think it is a good solution for this game.

The models in this game are cute, I love the cooperative of color. Also, I love the concept of the game, which tells people to protect the environment.

In this game, picking up trash and reduce health was interesting, which we have to dodge the trash and keep ourselves alive by eating supplies. We cannot only just focus health bar in the game but shelf bar is also important to the crab. Somehow, it could be the challenge in the game by both finding supplies to keep shelf satiation and eating supplies to keep health bar full possibly. 

I love the audios that in the game, which is funny and the color are matched with each other. Before I crossed the wasted apple, I was thinking if it is a trap, but when I realized I am a fly so i think i should eat it lool

(Btw, I hate flies especially when I am sleeping!! lol jk)

The theme of the game reminds me of my childhood tho, great work. I love the visual part of the game, since I am not good at drawing things and YES!!!! I WANNA games series are really fun to play! but somehow it could make you smash your keyboard tho! it's tilted! lool