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A member registered Nov 11, 2019

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(1 edit)

made an account just to say thank you for making this game. it's beautiful. i didn't know what i expected when i first started playing it, and i actually wanted  to make fun of it at first, it seemed so overly serious and silly.

but as i played it, it totally blew me away - not only is it incredibly creative at times and fascinating to go through each section and discover how  you've made them unique - the writing is really captivating and interesting in a very somber, gentle way. i loved all of the different styles, and how abstract and chaotic many of the areas got. that, and the soundtrack is really perfect. every part, even the clashy/noisy parts, it all sells it so well. i liked each chapter end with jon talking about random things to rem, it made me really connect with him and get a view into someone's life and i really loved that. the same with the conversations with ollie. i first thought it was silly how he and jon would over-analyse life but it grew on me very quickly. i adored their conversations, they all felt very natural and realistic to me. this game is really special because of the therapy bits and ollie, honestly.

most of all i'm surprised at how relatable and hard hitting a good few parts of this are. i wasn't expecting to be touched at all, and definitely not as much as it did. i've genuinely been sitting in awe from the ending of it for a good few hours now, it's totally scattered me and i can't focus. it was surreal to be seeing your game express things i've felt and thought so clearly. i didn't think i'd relate on such a deep level at times to a game of all things, but you've really made a piece of art here.

my favorite parts are the art museum, the hot chocolate/movie meeting with ollie, and the ending with all mementos. that small change made everything for me at the end, i really almost started crying.

i wish i could give you more. i'm telling everyone i know to experience this, you deserve all of the support you get and more, genuinely. 

now THAT'S what i call ART