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Leo Schmidt

A member registered Feb 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Olivia will use second set of pronouns only after certain events in the game. Liv would confess that they'd be be more comfortable if people used they/them pronouns when speaking to them. That makes them either non-binary or genderfluid, I believe

Thank you for your comment! :)

Thank you so much for your comment!

I'm glad you liked the dynamic between the two Ravenstorms, that scene was so fun to write <D

I have big plans for the other ROs, probably too big for this project, and that's all I can say right now, because SPOILERS

As for Victor, he and Howard hadn't been on the best of terms since day one, not only because Vic came out, but because he was very hot-headed and rebellious. Victor used to be a bad influence on both Bash and Raven, and still struggles to keep this side of him away, but some days he can be difficult like that. I expected that to be the first reaction to him though, so its completely alright! Character progression and all that stuff, haha

Thank you, again :)