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JD Eaton

A member registered Aug 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Wow, you managed to fit a lot of rooms and lots of information on just 8 pages.  Very in-depth and detailed adventure.  

Your random encounter tables are very well created and cover almost anything needed in the adventure.  I am glad that there is more than combat encounters but also mundane and weird ones as well.  I truly enjoy treasure table outlines for a specific adventure.  Something D&D 5E needs to implement.  

This is such an amazing concept.  This can be interjected into almost any game in which you have a TPK and the PCs need to try and find their way out of this demi-plane.  I am going to save this for potential future use.  

Thank you for setting this adventure in India, I love reading about other cultures' lore and ancestries.  I was not expecting a mini-campaign but there is enough here to make quite a few adventures from.  Also, good work with the factions and progression timer.  

I enjoyed how all of your NPCs had bulletpointed backstories, motivations, and intentions.  Your photoshopping of the cover page turned out amazing.  The map is also great color-coded and multileveled.  Great job!

I enjoy your room layouts and descriptions.  Simple, straightforward, and has enough room for DMs to interject whatever they need.  The general overall layout is great as well.  Great Job.

Thank you for your feedback.

I have no art talent whatsoever and had to use AI-generated art.  I have different visions of what I would like the art to look like but I can only program AI to do so much.  I have never played Shadowdark I did not know that seeing in the dark was a cardinal sin, but it can be easily tweaked by whomever is DMing the game.  If I had a better map maker I would have laid out the rooms as a more cave-like system—my first go as a game maker.  Thank you very much I appreciate the thoughts and will have to make the appropriate changes if I produce more shadowdark games.  

Perfect item for the game.

Yes, I did not click one of the buttons, now it works.  Thank you.

Hey everyone,

I submitted my module but I do not see it posted in the submissions dashboard.  I am going to take a wild guess and say it needs to be approved first.  Just checking.  Thanks!