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SIN BLACK (she/her)

A member registered May 17, 2020

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thanks so much, I got the scientist stuff! but I’ll prob remain stuck at 26 frogs until someone makes a frog list haha

thanks so much!

(2 edits)

Hi Steve, I love the game! I just beat it, but I’m stuck on a few things for 100%:

1. Is there any reward for catching all the fish in one session? Please say no...I keep trying, but the last fish takes forever :’( also curious if there’s any reason to keep betting higher amounts with the card gamblers!

2. Do we ever learn what the rusty pole in the shallows is?

3. What, and where, are the card to the right of Frog and the two cards to the left of Air Taxi???? I’ve solved every villager except the Scientist!