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A member registered Jul 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Game was fun, personally I liked that the basket moved in segments, rather than fluid (mainly because it felt like I was moving the basket rather than being the basket). Only thing I can recommend is not having the red building and also slightly increase the size of the apples and basket, because at certain points it was hard to see the objects (especially when the apple went over the building). Other than that great job.

I liked that it was like the dinosaur game, that you can play when your internet is out. Only thing I can recommend is after a certain score limit increase the speed, just to make it a little harder, other than that the game is fun to play.

I like the theme, and the SFX/BGM of the game, a lot. I also like how it is like the dinosaur game that you can play when you have no internet, but with a catch of needing to stay in the light, by using candles. The only glitch I found was if the player holds W to jump they just infinitely go up until the player releases the button, which allows them to pass most enemies/graves, also candles. Other than that great job, it was enjoyable to play.

Its a fun game, I feel like its well polished, the only thing that I can recommend is possibly changing the damage bats do down to 10 or even increasing the damage the zombies do to 30. Mainly to make the enemies feel a little more different. Other than that amazing work.