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(2 edits)

I like the concept behind the game and it generally felt like a cool starting place for a game. The art style is great and the game mechanics are interesting and fun to play with.

Some things I would work on:

  • The jumping whilst moving forward feels odd. I don't know if it's just the arc that the character takes, or the speed.
  • Some of the collision detection feels a little janky and awkward, particularly on buttons.

I could see this being a fun full game at some point!

I've certainly never come across a puzzle game like it. Love the concept and there's already a tonne of levels in it. I'll have to finish it when I get a bit more time.

I've not seen many Game Jams, but this is impressive in what has been accomplished in the time given and is already a fun and intriguing game.

Definitely recommend.

I like the idea and the take on the theme. The art style is also nice.

I did find the game rather confusing to play though:

  • Some hint as to where the locations I need to go would be appreciated
    • I wondered around trying to find my office for quite a while
  • The interactions with the employees didn't seem to work when I clicked on them
    • I don't know if there where supposed to be only specific people I could "talk" to?

All in all, I didn't managed to get past killing a single employee (couldn't seem to interact with any more), but if there were some fixes I would look forward to playing and seeing the boss battle.
You've certainly done a lot in a short time!

Fun and engaging: I like the style and I appreciate that you brought together a complete playable game with music and a progression system.

One playtester comment: When playing I didn't ever feel the need to buy the damage upgrade though. It never felt like I wasn't doing enough damage to things and I preferred to just hunt the creatures smaller than me anyways as faster kills

I like the artstyle and I appreciate that you got SFX and some atmospheric background music in, which do add a lot to the general feel of the game. It seems like a lot of work has been done within a short time, so you've done well.

I will say that I found the black 2.5D level boundaries to be confusing and often found it hard to judge the exact height/distance of steps/platforms against the play. Maybe if the parallax effect was reduced a bit it wouldn't be so confusing? or maybe introduce shades of black->grey on different surfaces to make them distinct.