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A member registered Oct 22, 2021

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(1 edit)

The dragger in the end went right through my heart❣️

The plot, the aesthetics, and the music was awesome. Wish it was longer....

The bgms are soo good. The bgm that plays at the menu and the bgm for the young boy were my fav!!! When unlocking the first 2 doors for the second painting the music made me felt a longing for someone just like the boy would have been feeling.

I made the sweet old lady move on and then told the old man that she hadn't moved on. Now he will enjoy his own plight. 

Great work!!!

full screen worked..ty

All I see is a baby head going back n forth


On the web.

I want to play this game but it won't work. 3 messages pop in chinese..what should I do?

It was soooo good!!! Thank you sooo much!!! I would love to play the full version. People really need to know about you games they are so helpful and enlightening. The only thing that makes sexual assault is that we are taught that we need to keep quite about it. I mean these things were started by a handful misogynist males and these are the ones who contribute to the majority of sexual assaults, domestic violence, labeling feminism as anti-men and what not. But we need to understand that things were never meant to be that way. This ideology is only a manipulation of thoughts by a few coward men. I know it will be confusing and shameful at first but staying quite won't help either. Women need to understand if we start taking immediate action things will change very soon. As for the Yunjin's case her dad was the "STRICT PARENT" what he needs to understand here is that no parent would want to see their child becoming a victim of sexual assault and not only him . And if anyhow it happens to them you need to stand with them and help them get through the shitty time!!! Little changes will become a great change in future. 

P.s. I would love to donate!!! Will do it when I would be able too!!! : )

(2 edits)


1. Spooky cat - in the room itself.

2. Sleepy cat - in veterans room

3. Dirty cat - take a shovel from the shed and dig near the tomatoes

4. Stinky cat - in the dustbin

5. Hungry cat - in your room above the shelf

(2 edits)


1. Spooky cat - in the room itself.

2. Sleepy cat - in veterans room

3. Dirty cat - take a shovel from the shed and dig near the tomatoes

4. Stinky cat - in the dustbin

5. Hungry cat - in your room above the shelf

give him viagra from medicine cabinet. Find the key under the mat to open the cabinet

(3 edits)


Taylor's Ending

1. Talk to him, and bring him the tv. 

2. After u give him tv he would wanna go out so bring him either the lamp (beside Ms. Mao) or the umbrella for support.

3. After that you will see him in the garden. Talk to him, he will tell you that he is cold so bring him the wig from Sam's room.

4. He will comment on his tiny soldier, go inside, pick up the mat then pick up the key under it, and get viagra from medicine cabinet. Give it to him.

Ta da!!! You will get tailers ending

Leona's ending

1. Talk to her then bring her catpoop from cats room as fertilizer.

2. She want items for scarecrow. They are: 

take the hat rack and go talk to nurse for permission then bring it to Leona. Go to the veteran's room and pick up his uniform, talk to him and he will give you permission then bring it to Leona.        Go to Mx. DeMayo's room and take the wig. Talk to him and u can have the wig then bring it to Leona. Go to the cats room and take the yarn. Talk to Ms. Mao she will say no, talk to Leona and bring Ms. Mao her fav flowers (viola) then bring the yarn to Leona.

3. Now Leona will ask you to give rest of the members there fav. flowers. They are: 

Forget-me-not for the nurse, Roses for Mx. DeMayo, Cauliflower for veteran as he is allergic to pollen.

Ta da!! You have Leona's ending

Hope it helped

(5 edits)


1. take the hat rack and go talk to nurse for permission then bring it to Leona.

2. Go to the veterans room and pick up his uniform, talk to him and he will give you permission then bring it to Leona. 

3. Go to Mx. DeMayo's room and take the wig. Talk to him and u can have the wig then bring it to Leona.

4. Go to the cats room and take the yarn. Talk to Ms. Mao. she will say no, talk to Leona and bring Ms. Mao her fav flowers (viola) then bring the yarn to Leona.

lovely game!! I got all the endings!!! They all were so wholesome❤️

Thank you so much for such a wonderful game. It was so helpful!!

It was one hell of something!! 

It was so well made that a person who never have ever experienced an abusive relationship of any kind can feel everything through this game.

Not only did it talk about an abusive relationship but it also highlighted how it feels to be gaslighted and manipulated via role-playing. Through role playing one can feel the exact emotions. The role play urged oneself to defend themselves and call him out. Also it will help people understand that why you can never reason with a toxic person because when we are dealing with a toxic person it becomes really hard to talk things out since that person will do anything to avoid owning up to his/her faults.

Do the abuser ever know if they are wrong (if so then that person is emotionally unstable, controlling, manipulative and have anger issues) or the are totally blind? 

P.s. can this game be translated in Armenian? I want to share it with a very close friend of mine!!


How many endings are there in total?

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No need to be sorry. And thanks for the reference. That was a nice a really nice one! I am not Armenian but I have a very close friend from there. His name is Aram too : )

Time to play purrgatory again! : 3

I fell in love with every character. It was so good!!! Honestly I would love to be thrown in purrgatory with all of these characters and wouldn't give a damn about heaven or hell.

There was an Armenian character!! Who? I think I didn't notice it.