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A member registered Aug 01, 2017

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This game is pure vibes.

While very clearly this is a first project outside of a visual editor, I think it has charming visuals. The jump being very small at first seemed useless to me, but it can save the player every so often due to the way it can hop over cheese and broc. I'm curious what the background ambience is too. Is it a royalty free track, or just some soundscape thrown together?

A good example of how an educational game can be fun with the way it handles its light deck building elements for an arcade like experience.

(1 edit)

After playing this with a friend I can tell it took seven years to make. A lot of love and passion went into it. She was gushing over all the characters while I sat there analysing the lore and figuring out all the little implications. 

While for some characters their inspiration is initially unclear (Vee and Skylar), otherwise I think they do a good job playing with who they're inspired by (especially Cathrine). I do wish more characters were a bit weird with their fashion like Morrigan, but I don't think anyone is at all badly designed. 

I mean, Alice is a bit plain, but its Alice. She should be. Holy shit does Alice have rocks in her head though. The "useless lesbian" comment in the artbook was very satisfying to read after how much I've yelled at her for being really dumb lmao. 

Thank you for sharing your interpretation of Wonderland. I look forward to what you two make in the future once you're off haitus!

This was a pretty cute game. Nice way to spend the afternoon just looking over to check on my plants and customers. The Undeath virus is handled very tastefully here, with how it affects both the people suffering from it, and the people around them. Periwinkle's side plot also made for a nice breather between the heavier conversations, and I look forward to playing Starry Flowers later to see what comes of Astra and her apothocary.

I got the event where Kate is stalking outside the enhancement shop, and then afterwards I saw I could talk to her in the library. But when I did she talked about being under my control and me being a villain. Is it cause I walked into the Enhancement shop after she told me something was up there? I haven't cast any magic on her, so I'm not sure what else it could be.

I'm glad to hear that every major issue I saw is already in the process of being worked on or has some design intentionality the game is being built around. I do enjoy the game, so the closed beta sounds very attractive to me. I'm looking forward to further development and plan to give additional feedback  as I see things I feel are worth mentioning.

This is a good start to the game's development. Having cards and equipment interact with each other is fun, and the limited item slots leaving a stage makes it so every run into a dungeon offers a choice between grinding for exp or just grabbing what you need and getting outta there. I also appreciate how the crafting system is superior to buying items in the shop, but not an outright replacement to it.

That said, it is a bit rough around the edges. The game's difficulty curve is a bit odd. Normal enemies become farmable far before the boss of the same stage is, which makes thay choice of "exp vs items" I mentioned early became a choice of "Do I farm the one I can't complete, or the one I can?" But that means gold is hard to come by, since you do need to clear the level to get coin. Which makes improving your deck a bit awkward, as CP is only used to buy packs, despite that you can get CP really fast by just selling cards you don't need.

Also, when I opened the game today my save was gone, and I don't know why. I don't mind restarting, nature of playing a game still in development, but I'm just confused if it was a side effect of updating (as I don't remember the Login button being there), or if my phone did a funny.

The game doesn't want to load on my laptop or my phone, with me sitting on both for ~30min with only the splashscreen showing. Side effect of the migration?

This was a cute game. I like how it included a handful of bonus puzzles outside of the main story. Making Cassia an airhead like this really enabled Senna's character in a way that I found fun. Also, interesting to know that you did all the music yourself. Since it was noted that you don't really listen to Lo-Fi casually, that explains how it came out a bit closer to what I'd expect to hear in some chill lounge rather than an anime girl studying for a test. 

I will say that the story 15x15 is equal parts easier than it was made out to be and really fun to draw, since it has an outline that can be drawn without lifting the "pen", so to speak. This means that once it clicks what the numbers are hinting at, then the player can glide through most of the puzzle. For a final boss, that's pretty clever, and since it's the only 15x15 in the story that doesn't diminish what I view as a low difficulty 15x15. Plus the final post-game puzzle was in line with my personal skill level, so I got to have my cake and eat it without getting a player less used to picross than me stuck on the final level. 

As a final note, I didn't know you could make picross in RenPy. I'm super curious what it was like making a puzzle game in what most people view as a VN engine.

This was adorable. I also identify with Sewaddle.

Finished my first run, and I'm shocked to find something this fluffy and wholesome from 4chan of all places. While I never watched the Sinnoh anime, Dawn's particular form of infectious confidence and the choice between focusing on the contest (which I did, because I grinded the shit out of contests in Ruby) or the date sim was a smart move, given the grievance about unrealistic love. 

Though I am a bit sad that the epilogue doesn't show anything of Cynthia after all the build up for her, especially given how funny Hilda and Rosa were (both with each other and with Dawn), I understand wanting to make it feel condensed. The time skips do feel a little jarring, but not distractingly so. Just kinda comes off as a "proof of concept" for what might come next. Though with them palling around in Unova, it does make me wonder if there's gonna be an Easter egg for this in the Roxie VN. Though maybe that's me just having a poisoned brain and thinking back to the secret epilogues in Kingdom Hearts, lol.

MC does come off as a creepy weirdo to me, but in a "oh Arceus someone is talking to me what do I do" sense. It makes the juxtaposition with Scyther funny. I can see why someone as extroverted as Dawn would end up "adopting" him, so to speak. Not sure how to feel about his inner thoughts basically just being a tame version of /dg/, but I appreciate wanting the affection levels to be mutual.

My only major problem with the VN, aside from some gripes with the art that I feel like fixes are already in the works, is just a reoccurring thought I had while playing. If Dawn ranked second in a contest so prestigious that even our dopey MC was aware of, why does nobody recognize her? 

Maybe this is brought up in another route. I've only done one route, and I will come back and add on to this after I've taken time to explore the game more.