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Δynamis Studio

A member registered 61 days ago · View creator page →

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Really cool game! I thought about making a game with the same concept but wasn't sure how to implement it. You did it very well!

Thanks for your feedback! 

The shadow (other half) disappearing is normal as the shadow isn't cast on glass (blue transparent tiles), only on black tiles. So it might jump around. But the sudden blinking isn't normal.

How smooth was your experience in terms of framerate? I had the same bug a lot when I didn't have hardware acceleration in my browser and the game was running at 10 fps. After turning on hardware acceleration, the game ran smoothly and the issue was fixed for me so I didn't investigate it further. 

I hope you didn't get that bug too often. Otherwise I'm sorry for the frustrating experience and I will look into what's causing this.

Glad you liked it!

Ideally I would implement an input setting menu in the game, but I'm curious what button you would prefer using for dashing?

Thanks for the info! 
I have the SharedArryBuffer already enabled, so it shouldn't have that error. But another user said that running the game from the randomizer page doesn't work, while going into the game's page directly does. If you happen to use the randomizer, try opening the page itself.

I tested the game on Brave (chromium based) and Firefox and was able to play it without problem. Let me know if you still have issues

Very cool mechanic! I had a lot of fun