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A member registered Oct 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback and also for streaming my game. I got too excited when u streamed it xD. I agree with all your points. First of all, I got very disappointed when you only tried it twice but I will use this as a learning experience and not make this same mistake again. About that death screen...  it was my first time implementing audio triggers and I didnt do a good job of it xD, sorry about that

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First of all, thank you so much for making a video about our game. This is the first time that this happened to us, we were very excited :D! I have to admit that I was very focused on submitting a finished game that I didn't spend that much time playing the whole thing. That annoying jumpscare sound was my fault sorry xD, it was actually my first time programming triggerable audios. We watched your video and the reason that the enemies sometime lag on rhe side of the screen is because those ghosts are supposed to patrol around the house very fast when it is out of sight and slows down when the player sees it and thx, I will fix that by spawning them somewhere else when the player escapes from them. However, the ghosts that appear in the rooms are randomly spawned at a 25% chance. Some players have also complained that they cannot skip the intro, this is what I hate most about the game and I will add a retry button at every jumpscare after the jam. Many players have also complained about the jumpscare not being scary enough and heck, I expected my dad to at least flinch but instead he laughed at it xD. I agree with you about it being unsual because horror games are suposed to be dark so I make it less colourful by adding a camera effect where there is a light circle around the player and darkness surrounding it. Once again, you do not know how much we appreciate this upload. You motivate us to make better games and because of this, I thank you very very much! :D

nice gameplay!

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Thank you for the feedback! I am glad that you liked the base elements of the games and the art of it. I agree with you, that wall of text at the end of the intro really ruined the atmosphere and we hope to improve this game after the jam, giving a more meaningful and indepth background story to it.  :D

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Thank you for your feedback! I agree, the house is large and I should have added a navigation tool like a map. 

The bug you saw happened because the ghosts are supposed to patrol around the house at a very high speed when it can't be seen and it switches back to a normal speed when it is seen but that leads to problems like this. 

About that rushed story at the end of the intro, it was never meant to be like that and I didn't have enough time so I had to cut down on the features we planned to add. I really really hate that part of the game and we might include in all the features that we didn't have the time to do. after the jam Thanks for playing!

Thanks for your tip! But I made the most stupid mistake ever xD, I forgot to enable all the enemies. I have updated the game and they are enabled now so the game is more intense. If you like, download and play it again. I hope I don't sound too pressuring. Thanks.

Impressive! You really do have a talent for story telling. I was shook that there is no happy ending because i really sympathise with Maria's feelings, what she goes through and her childhood, all that beautiful build up... just to end in a brutal death. Games that messes with the players' feelings are rare, you should be proud of yourself!

Thanks for your feedback! I guess, I should have made a map or something to make navigating around the house easier. Just to be clear, we didn't make any of the music and I agree with you, they frighten me so much that at times when I play it, I would close the game when there are ghosts nearby. 

I can see this WIP becoming a visual novel RPG with pokemon-like battles. The intro dialogue was well written, it engaged me with your medieval world but because its a WIP, it felt bland. I suggest making scene feeling more alive, maybe with more props and characters.

I like the part where enemy spots the player, it's like out of a movie scene. It's a  simple game but very well made with the pixel graphics and retro feel to it. 

I understand that you might get lots of requests from game developers who want their game to be featured on your channel. My game might not be good enough but is there any chance that you record your gameplay and post it on your channel? I might be asking for too much and I'm sorry. - Thank you

For my game, A Fun Sleepover, I forgot to enable some ghosts and the UI had problems scaling to some resolutions. But everything is fixed, so if you had any problems playing this game, please download it again. Thanks :D

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Thanks for pointing that out! I have fixed it and I also made it so that you can't see the keys from another room. I can't believe that you played my game, I have watched some of your videos and they are very good. 

I really like the retro art and how it really fits with the sound effects. But the enemies are really hard to spot because they have the same color as the background and it's very confusing when I bounce and teleport all over the place, other than that, it's great! 

The art is very impressive, probably one of the best of all the submissions! But the gameplay needs more work on.

It was very satisfying to try out all the superpowers but it would have been better if you had more time to add more enemies

The concept of the game is very interesting, I have never seen anything like it and the way the cards move is very satisfying. But sometimes my player can get stuck in a wall when different level loads, other than that, it is very good! I would like to see an update!

I thought that I would be able to finish it in 5 hours but I cant :(

Anybody else needing more time? I sure do because this is my first game jam jam and I just started today and have only spent 3 hours on it. RIP ME