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A member registered Jan 30, 2022

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Bro really replied to a 28 day old message Auto Generated Name Lookin ass

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and this has nothing to even do with GrandGames bruh + im just saying you're gonna Steal the mod cause you stole Michael's old mods and stole other people's mods so Fuck off will ya?

also didn't you say you'd leave us alone?

No you're gonna Vandalize it like you tried to do with Binance's Mod

Bruh you're the one who Vandalize "dave's house"

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Derek's aka BryanYT is only pissing you off for attention that's why he keeps begging you with Spoilers and fake shit so much So it's best to Block that dude

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I love the fact you said "What" when you're Drama is still going

also im not deleting that exposure folder off of you 

Are you fucking stupid?

than 4 

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Love the fact he's still Milking a dead 4 Year old game lmao


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Remember this Racist?

i would love to see you try lmfao

anyways enjoy having this expose video be putted on you fatassLine25

how is that photoshoped?

Nah your 10

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Go say that on Twitter 10 year old

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Lmao noone cares if you blocked me from both twitter and youtube i'll still be targeting you for proof until you leave the internet Dumbfuck

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BrawniestLine25 i know it's you don't try nothing stupid

Nah he's your alt account

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Your mom that's who Devin is

Your getting Expose Lucas

don't play the Victim card on us lmfao

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Yeah fuck you Lucas we Know it's you cause you changed your Name

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Bro Kid changed his username to something Dumb as fuck

Im Reporting this